Unesco Paris map
Map of unesco Paris. Unesco Paris map (Île-de-France - France) to print. Unesco Paris map (Île-de-France - France) to download. Unesco in Paris map is located on the Place de Fontenoy in Paris, the main building that houses unesco headquarters was inaugurated on November 3, 1958. The Y-shaped design was invented by three architects of different nationalities under the direction of an International Committee. Nicknamed the "three-pointed star", the building stands on 72 concrete columns. Unesco is known worldwide, not only because it is home to a renowned organization, but also because of its exceptional architectural qualities.
The site of the headquarters of unesco is composed of 3 other buildings as its shown in unesco Paris map. The unesco second building, known as the "accordion", houses the egg-shaped room with a pleated copper ceiling where the plenary sessions of the General Conference are held. The third building is in the form of a cube. Finally, a fourth building consists of two floors of offices dug below street level, around six small patios. The unesco buildings, which contain many works of art, are open to the public in Paris.