
Belleville Paris map

Map of belleville Paris. Belleville Paris map (Île-de-France - France) to print. Belleville Paris map (Île-de-France - France) to download. Belleville and Ménilmontant offer walkers another facet of the capital. The cosmopolitan district of Belleville on belleville Paris map charms with its diversity: a park whose belvedere offers a panoramic view of the center of Paris, a vibrant artistic life, a large market discovered. The "village" of Ménilmontant meanwhile invites strollers to stroll in the heart of its narrow streets.

Map of belleville Paris

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Long shunned by most Parisians, Belleville is gradually getting rid of its sulphurous reputation (see belleville in Paris map). Some will say that unfortunately the neighborhood of belleville Paris is "boboïse" due to a forced march gentrification. Others see it as an opportunity for Belleville to redefine itself by becoming a model of "vivre-ensemble" where old and new populations cohabit more or less harmoniously.