
City map of Paris France

Map of city Paris France. City map of Paris France (Île-de-France - France) to print. City map of Paris France (Île-de-France - France) to download. Located in the Palais Garnier, the Opéra Garnier is an impressive Neo-Baroque building that together with the Bastille Opéra makes up the Paris Opera as its shown in city map of Paris France. This buildinginspired the famous novel by Gastón Leroux, The Phantom of the Opera. The Paris Opera is an imposing neobarroque-style building from the nineteenth century which has inspired several plays and books, including 'The Phantom of the Opera'.

Map of city Paris France

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L’église de la Madeleine (Madeleine Church) is one of Paris most curious temples due to its classic Greek design as its mentioned in city map of Paris France. The first church built on this Paris site began in 1764. However, after the death of the architect in 1777, his successor decided to bring the whole building down, designing a completely different temple. When the Revolution broke out, the construction was paralysed whilst they decided what to do with the church.