
Paris city map

City map Paris. Paris city map (Île-de-France - France) to print. Paris city map (Île-de-France - France) to download. Paris is the capital city of France as you can see in Paris city map. The French historic, political and economic capital, with a population of only 2.5 million is located in the northern part of France. One of the most beautiful cities in the world. Home to historical monuments such as Notre Dame, the Eiffel tower (320m), Bastille, Louvre and many more. Much of the city was re-designed by Haussmann in the 19th century. The historical name for the city is Parisii and given by the Gauls, however the Romans arrived in 52 B.C. and changed the name to Lutetia.
Most people assume that Paris is called ‘The City of Light’ because of its dazzling boulevards and bridges, and it is easy to see why. Paris city is especially well illuminated during the festive season, when over 2.4km of lights stretch from the Place de la Concorde right down to the Arc de Triomphe as its shown in Paris city map. Paris city is made even brighter with its 450 decorated trees along the avenue and on the pavement.
Paris city is known for a lot of things, but perhaps the most famous is the City of Love. Over 30 million people visit the City of Love every year. From the moment you arrive in Paris, you will surely understand why. Paris city is home to iconic symbols of love, and the charming French culture only adds to the experience.
Paris city of lights Length: 1mn32 Author: travelermedia “Under the Mirabeau bridge flows the Seine” goes the melancholy verse of Appolinaire as its mentioned in Paris city map. Over the course of time, Paris city has grown up around the Seine. Well situated geographically, Paris is a capital that has been bestowed with gifts by the ages – monuments inherited from a history of 2,000 years. From Notre-Dame-de-Paris, commenced in 1163, to the François Mitterand National Library inaugurated in 1995, the city is dotted with numerous iconic monuments.