
Paris ile de France map

Map of Paris ile de France. Paris ile de France map (Île-de-France - France) to print. Paris ile de France map (Île-de-France - France) to download. The Paris region of ile de France has the number 11 and is composed of 8 department (s), 25 arrondissement (s), 317 townships and 1281 municipalities. Further down you will find the map of Île-de-France. The inhabitants of ile de France on Paris ile de France map were 10 952 011 in the 1999 census and 11 532 398 in the 2006 census. The area of the Île-de-France region is 12 012.27 km ² .

Map of Paris ile de France

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The Paris region ile de france has registered 264,000 additional inhabitants in five years, according to the latest INSEE demographic study. Each year, its population has increased by 53,000 people per year, an annual increase of 0.4% on average. In detail, on Paris ile de France map is the only department in the Paris region where the population has not increased.