
Paris places to visit map

Places to visit Paris map. Paris places to visit map (Île-de-France - France) to print. Paris places to visit map (Île-de-France - France) to download. The most visited tourist attraction in Paris, the Eiffel Tower also ranks high on the list of places to visit in France as its shown in Paris places to visit map. It is hard to believe that the structure was dismissed as a monstrosity when it was first unveiled. The iconic tower of Paris was designed by Alexandre-Gustave Eiffel for the Paris Exhibition of 1889, which marked the centenary of the French Revolution.

Places to visit Paris map

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A triumph of Gothic architecture, the Notre-Dame stands in the heart of Paris on the Ile de la Cité near the attractions of the Latin Quarter it is one of the most visited as its mentioned in Paris places to visit map. An island in the Seine River, the Ile de la Cité is the historical and geographical center of Paris. On this small plot of land, the Romans built the Gallo-Roman city of Lutetia, and from the 6th century to the 14th century, the Kings of France resided here.