
Paris rer zone map

Rer zone map. Paris rer zone map (Île-de-France - France) to print. Paris rer zone map (Île-de-France - France) to download. Paris and the surrounding area is divided into 5 circular fare zones for use in pricing public transportation passes as its shown in Paris rer zone map. Paris Metro zones dont actually apply to the Paris Metro (subway/underground) itself. Paris Metro trains are a single zone even if the Metro line crosses into zone 2 or zone 3.
Paris zones apply to transit passes used on RER trains and Transilien trains to Disney, Versailles, airports, etc. By default Navigo Decouverte passes are 1-5 zone as its mentioned in Paris rer zone map. Other passes like Paris Visite and Navigo Jour day pass have several fare zone options, like Paris zone 1-3 or Paris zone 1-5.