
Paris train zone map

Paris train route map. Paris train zone map (Île-de-France - France) to print. Paris train zone map (Île-de-France - France) to download. Basic RER train map of Paris showing 5 RER train lines with branching endpoint stations and the 5 fare zones for Paris and surrounding suburban area (Ile-de-France). Paris RER trains use two different types of tickets depending on which part of the RER network you will be traveling. When taking a RER train strictly within central Paris Zone 1 (visible in the first RER Map), you can use basic Paris Metro tickets for travel on the RER. Travel beyond Paris Zone 1 on the RER requires a special ticket: a Billet Ile-de-France.

Paris train route map

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Paris RER travel passes (known as Pass Navigo) are subject to fare zones as its shown in Paris train zone map, split into either an all zone pass (the default which includes zones 1 through 5) or sub-zone passes excluding central Paris (zones 2-5, 3-5, 4-5), which determine the price of the multi-use pass or ticket. The above transit passes are valid for travel not only on RER trains, but also on the Paris Metro and Paris Buses, Trams & Transilien trains within the fare zone you have purchased.