
Rer train map

Paris rer train map. Rer train map (Île-de-France - France) to print. Rer train map (Île-de-France - France) to download. The rer train map, which carry 2.7 million passengers a day, were put into service in 1977 and are operated by the RATP (Régie autonome des transports parisiens) and the SNCF (Société Nationale des Traités Français). behaves 5 lines of rer train. Transiliens rer in Paris, which carry 2.9 million passengers a day, were put into service in 1999 and are operated by SNCF (French National Railway Company).
The Paris RER is a regional train transport system connecting the center to its surrounding suburbs. RER stands for Réseau Express Régional. The RER also complements the Paris Metro, giving Parisians and tourists a larger transport network in the centre of Paris. The RER also connects the city centre with Charles de Gaulle Airport, Disneyland and Versailles as its shown in rer train map.
The predominance of suburban SNCF track on the Paris rer network explains why rer trains run on the left, like SNCF trains (except in Alsace-Moselle), contrary to the Métro where trains run on the right. Rer trains run by the two different operators share the same track infrastructure, a practice called interconnection as its mentioned in rer train map. On the rer, interconnection required the development of specific trains (MI 79 series for Materiel d'Interconnexion 1979, and MI 2N series for Materiel d'Interconnexion à 2 niveaux (double-deck interconnection stock)) capable of operating under both 1.5 kV direct current on the RATP network and 25 kV / 50 Hz alternating current on the SNCF network.